Aida is majoring in fashion design at FIT in New York City. Having recently moved from Iran, she has only been in the states for a couple months. At the moment she is living with family in New Jersey. We “met” for the first time on FaceTime just the other week. Before then, I was just an admirer of her art + style on Instagram. She was sweet enough to give me a virtual tour of the neighborhood. We took some photos and I made a new friend :)


Will is one of the funniest people I know and one of the kindest. I was stoked when he finally agreed to do a FT shoot. We did some planning but ultimately it was really just Will shooting hoops. Very fun, very relaxed.  Before quarantine we had planned a double feature movie night: WAVES + NACHO LIBRE…a winning combo. I'm still waiting patiently for that day to arrive. 


“While stuck at home i’ve found a balance between work, playing animal crossing, catching up with friends, and petting my foster cat Egg. and on the off chance i’m not doing any of these, i’m catching up on films i lied about having seen in film school (fight club anyone?) or runnin around the rich neighborhoods across from my chaotic apartment building. extremely thankful for my roommates during this time, and spending late afternoons with a drink on our balcony.”

Ever since we met on set, I’ve looked up to Rachel. She absolutely kills it. And Earlier this year I kept saying that I was going take the train up to LA to visit her cause I missed her. But school kept kicking my butt and then COVID came along and kicked the whole worlds butt. But I’m happy we were able to FT take some photos.


Kamil is one of my favorite people to photograph. He is also a superstar photographer/director and a close friend. <3 Naturally, I was bummed when we both had to move back home. Being on opposite sides of the country was definitely not an ideal situation. This was actually my first FaceTime shoot. In the very early stages of quarantine, I was already over it and wanted to do a shoot with him. AND we found a way to do it safely and while being more than 6ft apart.


Kika and I met in London when I studied abroad there. We lived on the same floor and bonded over photography. I thought that it was so cool that she primarily shot on film. (Her work is so fuvkin PRETTY) we did a lot of little shoots together and I hope to go back and do some more! She’s my British muse and very talented friend.

Kika is majoring in photography at Roehampton in London. Going online and lockdown has made developing and printing her work difficult. But she’s keeping busy and hanging out with close friends, playing guitar, and etc. 


Elena travelled to Europe earlier this year. Luckily, she was able to go out and explore, and see the sights. It’s insane how quickly things can change. Now, she’s back home, in the Bay Area, living with her family. 
We met in High School through Freestyle Academy, a lil media/ digital arts program. I always thought that she was an insanely talented artist/photographer. Times have been tough + lonely so I’m happy we reconnected and created :) ALSO her room is sick and she looks bomb.


“I’ve been going on walks every day with my friend (6ft apart of course), running around campus, and trying to isolate myself outside as much as possible. I also have been creating decks for new reality shows I think of, which has been very entertaining! And also lol I have a deck of trips I want to do after quarantine.... air bnbs, restaurants, cool hikes, and moreeeee”
Micaela and I have been friends since freshman year. Her openness, honesty, kindness are things that I love about her. We were both a little down :( one day and decided to do a fun little shoot. She got to wear her new dress and I was like pop off I guess